Greetings folks. Well we are in full swing with recording. As I've mentioned before - one of my favorite things to do. So far it's been, by far, the most relaxed and natural-feeling recording experience we've had together. I guess it comes with experience, and also due to the fact that we've been preparing for this for over a year, it seems. Not to mention that the people we're working with are so professional and easy-going. We've had a great time with Mark Heimmerman so far, who is producing 6 of the songs. Over the last two weeks we've recorded the drums, bass guitar, and piano for 8 songs. But don't think that means we're almost done! By the time we're all done in the studio, we'll have recorded about 16 songs. So we'll have lots to choose from as far as which actually make it onto the final CD. Here are a few pics from our 3 days in Tom Laune's studio this week.
The computer monitor we stare at for hours every day.

Jeremy hammering out a new one called "I Miss You Here"
Of course you need a little R&R when you're working hard recording your life's work. Tom's studio has a nifty ping pong table that you can even play against yoursefl on. No joke. Well Glenn and I have to get in there and work out a couple of bass lines. Chatch you all later.

The computer monitor we stare at for hours every day.

Jeremy hammering out a new one called "I Miss You Here"
